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Efflorescence on paving slabs: causes and methods of control
Efflorescences on paving slabs are ugly white spots that spoil the tile material, and in the future they will contribute to its rapid destruction. They usually appear on cheap handicraft products and are a common cause of tile damage. They arise due to the release of salts under the influence of moisture, which will gradually disrupt the structure of concrete, making it brittle.The causes of efflorescence The causes of efflorescence on paving slabs may be different. First of all, it is the low quality of the concrete mortar used to make cheap tiles. To speed up production, various hardeners can be added to it, which in the future do not contribute to the durability of the material.Attention! Efflorescence can also occur due to too hard water - in this case, the salts will gradually appear on the surface of the concrete.Such efflorescences can disappear on their own if they are washed away by rain moisture, but after a certain period of time they will reappear. This indicates the poor quality of the entire tile, which will quickly lose its decorative appearance. The fight against efflorescence is necessary, but it does not always bring the expected result.How to remove efflorescences from the tile surface?Removal of efflorescences on paving slabs is a rather laborious work that should be carried out over the entire area where white spots have appeared. First of all, the struggle consists in their mechanical removal with special cleaning agents. A cleaning agent with a high acid content is applied to a dry tile, kept for a certain time, and then washed off with a jet of water from a watering can, bucket or hose. The acid will dissolve the salts, and the surface will become clean.Attention! At the same time, you need to remember about precautions: you can work with acidic cleaning agents exclusively in special gloves, a mask is also desirable so that acid vapors do not irritate the respiratory organs.After two days, you can move on to the next stage - deep cleaning with the help of impregnating agents. They do not just remove efflorescence from the surface, they penetrate into the very structure of concrete. This will keep the tile durable, and it will look beautiful.Modern means will allow you to get rid of most of the efflorescences and other defects. But it is still more profitable to purchase high-quality tiles from trusted manufacturers. In factory conditions, the risk of using bad concrete is much lower than in artisanal ones. Die Regeln des Aviator-Spiels mögen Anfängern auf den ersten Blick schwer erscheinen. Um Geldverluste zu vermeiden, ist es nicht ratsam, sofort einen hohen Einsatz zu tätigen. Denn erfahrene Spieler haben Zeit, den Einsatz zu platzieren, bevor Sie entscheiden, was Sie als nächstes tun. Am besten ist es, mit kleinen Einsätzen zu beginnen. So können Sie die Benutzeroberfläche erkunden und sich mit den Mechanismen des Aviator-Spiels in der realen Welt vertraut machen. Auf diese Weise werden Sie schnell in das Spiel eintauchen und größere Einsätze tätigen können.