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Types of acne

Depending on the severity of the acne problem, the type of rash and the causes of its occurrence distinguish between different types of disease.

Among the light shapes are allocated:
Non-inflammatory acne - changes mainly affect the face - forehead and cheeks. There are numerous black dots - both open and closed.
Papulse acne - changes take the shape of papural, most often accompanied by eel and pustules.
Papulous and papoul-pustular acne - refers to the most common types of acne. There are inflammatory changes in the form of papural and empty.

Heavy forms include:

FLEGMONOS GROUP, TURNING-CIRCES, CONSTRUCTION - Changes take the shape of black points, nodules and tumors that penetrate out and form channels and fistulas. From the inside, purulent, bloody or blood-and-purulent discharge appear. The common consequence of this type of acne is the presence of atrophic and keloid scars.

Focused acne - the problem arises in the form of cyst and abscesses to lead healing to the formation of hypertrophic and atrophic scars. This shape of acne is more often found in men than women.

Scar acne - a form, as a result of which hypertrophic scars are formed.

Acne acne - acute form with related common symptoms: male, fever, leukocytosis, weight lifetime, pains in joints and muscles. Usually this type of disease begins suddenly and strikes boys 13-16 years old with vulgar echs. The lesions have the form of accumulations of abscesses and spread very quickly.

To other types of acne include:
Acne in adults - inflammatory lesions are mainly located on the chin lines and neck. The most common cause is a violation of the hormonal balance.

Cosmetic acne - caused by the use of cosmetic products rich in the composition of the compositions. This contributes to the formation of black points.

Acne caused by drugs - Pyatno-Papulse lesions involving the mouth of the hair follicles. This is mainly caused by the use of local and common corticosteroids, such as lithium; Phenytoin; Nicotinic acid hydrazide, bromine and androgenic hormones.

Professional acne - closely related to the type of profession, in which contact often occurs with chemical compounds, such as lubricating oils and chlorine compounds. The problem is mainly located in the field of eye depressions and where workwear fits tightly to the skin - for example, on the hips, the legs and lower limbs.

Baby acne - caused by the action of hormones that mother handed over to the child. It occurs in the form of inflammatory nodules on the face of newborns.

Self-accepting acne - caused by a constant combing of acne, located on the face. Basically he is striking young girls. His consequences - bleaching of the skin.
